
WSP/ATR & PIVOTAL Reports Training

Understand the impact of the reports along with training on how to complete these reports correctly.

Bookings Close : 23 March 2023

Course details

Date: 30 March 2023
Time: 08h30 for 09h00 – 15h30
Venue: LIVE Online
Cost: R3,000 ex VAT

Frik Boonzaaier

Senior Human Capital Consultant

Frik has a BA in Psychology and a Masters in Research Psychology. He has dedicated the past 17 years to assisting businesses in the management of their people. He is well positioned on the Senior BEESA Transformation Consulting Team as a Senior Human Capital Consultant.

Skills Development Training : How to submit your WSP/ATR & PIVOTAL Reports

The WSP/ATR & PIVOTAL reports are mandatory for a business that requires Skills Development to be recognised on their B-BBEE Scorecard. These reports need to be submitted to the applicable SETA before end of April 2023.


  • * No points for the Skills Development Element on your BEE Scorecard
  • * Mandatory Grants cannot be claimed back from your SETA
  • * A drop in your BEE Level as Skills Development is a Priority Element

Skills Development has been identified as a Priority Element under the New B-BBEE Codes of Good practice. This means that businesses must focus on Skills Development to achieve the sub-minimum requirement for each category in the element or potentially face a loss in their BEE Level, irrespective overall scoring.

Join us as we provide you with the guidelines to understand the impact of the reports on the business along with training on how to complete these reports correctly.

This Seminar will include:

  1. The impact of the PIVOTAL report
  2. Linking WSP & ATR Report to B-BBEE
  3. Step by step process on how to complete reports
  4. Understanding requirements of reports
  5. Q&A

Booking Form

Please complete the fields below for an ONLINE BOOKING or


completed download form to be e-mailed to events@beesa.co.za

  • NameSurnamePositionE-mailCellphone Number